My research focuses on the evaluation of social justice in the distribution of outcomes while respecting individual preferences.
Fairness and Gini decomposition. Economic Letters
Inequality of opportunity, poverty, and economic development (with Flaviana Palmisano and Vito Peragine). In M.N. Asadullah, K. Zimmermann (eds.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, chapter 11, ISBN: 978-3-319-57365-6 .
Review of Matthew D. Adler, Measuring Social Welfare: An Introduction. The Journal of Economic Inequality. (2020)
Il ruolo della distanza psichica e dell'inquinamento acustico nei processi di scelta dei punti-vendita. Esperienze d'Impresa. (with Rizzo, C., Di Giuseppe, M., Pizzi, S., Portaluri, M., & Guido, G)
Working papers
2024 - "Within-group inequality: a comparison of different definitions and a new proposal of decomposition" with (M. Fleurbaey, P. Lambert and V. Peragine)
2024 - "Measuring inequality and welfare when some inequalities matter more than others" with (M. Fleurbaey and V. Peragine)
2024 - "Biases in inequality of opportunity estimates: measures and solutions" (with P. Brunori and P. Salas-Rojo)
2023 - "Equality of opportunity in many-to-one matching markets" (with Salman U.)
2023 - " Trust in institutions and the profile of inequality: a worldwide perspective " (with Palmisano F.)
2022 - "Nonparametric Analysis of Heterogeneous Multidimensional Fairness" (with De Rock B.)
2022 - "On the measurement of well-being with reference consumption" (with Maniquet F.)
2020 - "Inter-temporal Inequality of Opportunity." (with Palmisano F. and Peragine V.)
Ongoing projects
The effect of education on earning dynamics: evidence from Italy (with T. Barbieri, M. Raitano and V. Peragine)
Measuring intersectionality (with K. Bosmans and E. Ozturk)
Is health migration a rational choice? Evidence from Italy (with R. Lagravinese)
Bridging Social Norms: A Framework for Assessing Unjust Inequality (with V. De Sandi and V. Peragine)
A kuznets curve for inequality of opportunity (with F. Ferreira and V. Peragine)